Book Reviews

Florida Authors

While in Florida I have concentrated on Florida authors in my readings. It doesn’t hurt that some of my favorites were already from Florida anyway. But what is a Florida author?

While on one of our walks about St. Augustine we happened Anastasia Books, tucked in the corner of the building next to a Chocolate shop that was open for breakfast, lunch and diner. The owner educated me on the topic of Florida authors. “ Do you want books about Florida, books written while the author was in Florida, books by Florida natives that are fiction with Florida as a background?” All the while she was pointing out shelves of books. “The bottom rows are cookbooks because I didn’t know where else to put them. And I’ve got more fiction in the back room by authors that have moved to Florida.”

93825I’m used to my regulars, Dave Barry, Randy Wayne White, Carl Hiaasen, and Tim Dorsey. But this lady said “You need to look at these and have you read, A Land Remembered by Patrick D. Smith?”

“Ah no.”

“Well you need to. Let me see if I have a used copy. No, You will have to buy a new one.” I left with three to add to my queue of to be read books. Of course, “A Land Remembered”, which is required reading in Middle schools, after a little editing. It’s fiction but still tells the story of Florida. I will fill you in more when I’ve finished.51QnbTHerEL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_

I also picked up “Thunder on the St. Johns” by Lee Gramling considered a “Cracker Western” and a Ken Follet book, Jackdaws, found in the used area.

While we have been in Florida I’ve read books about treasure, history, mystery and adventure, some in the same book.

While in the Ft. Myers area we were told of a great bookstore in Burnt Store not far from North Ft. Myers. Sandman Book Company turned out to be Southwest Florida’s largest independent bookshop. With shelves that specialized in Florida authors. Sandman Books even had walls made of books, with an arch and everything. Very cool. I brought back to the boat many good stories and I’ve been working my way through the piles.

PersonalAlso while staying at Paradise Marina in North Ft. Myers, Dearest and myself, received a care package from our friend Hilary B. in Grand Haven. Hillary sent the latest “Reacher” book and some Robert Crais, Iris Johansen, plus a first book by author Leonie Swann, you need open your mind to a different concept for her book.

If you would like to see titles and dates of the books I’ve been reading, look for me on the Goodreads web site or app. I will keep reviewing, but not every book I read.

Looks like I’ve got the shelf full for the time being. Florida is a great state for authors.

Now that we are heading North I will be looking for other local authors. Coming up are Georgia and the Carolinas. If you have suggestions let me know and I can start looking for titles and authors in bookstores along the way.

Here is to good readings and great adventures.
